
Saturday, March 20, 2010


Last night I hit up the Taj Mahal with my girlfriend and her family, she's half Carribean and half Indian(East). But this was my first time ever eating Indian food other than samosas ha. The food was westernized according to her and her family but it was a good start for everything. It was a long wait, we spent exactly two and a half hours in there. But the food was very good and am looking forward for real Indian food in the future.

I would've taken pictures but then everyone would've judged me haha.

R. Mack

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Cold weather and snow's back...shit.

Plus I hate exams and group projects.

R. Mack

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The joys of spring

With almost all the snow melted and temperatures reaching 10 celsius, its time to bring out one of my favourite summer/spring/fall pasttimes, skateboarding. Whether its a game of skate or even just riding around socializing, its always a good time. Yesterday was the first time I brought out the board this year and my legs are feeling the pain.

Happy Skating.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tune-ee Tuesday

Drake's "Over". CANADA'S HOPE, check out his past mixtapes as well.

To download go to
R. Mack

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tune-ee Tuesday

The old Rihanna's "Unfaithful". This is the song that intially got her famous. I just want to say that some of her new songs are good, but I do miss the old Rihanna.

R. Mack

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ransom x Adidas Valley Lows

One of my homies has got me feeling like a steez biter haha. Really he's made realize that I appreciate other styles. Originally I had been looking at the Valley highs but this look is more suitable for me. Let me know what you think: White or Black?

Up North Trip

10 Deep presents their latest video "Up North Trip". With skaters like Rodrigo Lima and Jamal Smith. I've never seen so many 5 panels in my life and Jamal just loves to make me laugh. Music provided by Donnis.

10.DEEP Up North Trip + Team Montage from 10.DEEP Skateboarding on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tune-ee Tuesday

My girlfriend and I were listening to this over the phone yesterday, so funny and catchy. Train- "Hey Soul Sister".

R. Mack

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Bachelor

What a waste of time, never watching that again. Never thought I would be caught up in this television show. Jake is a huge faggot...knew it from the beginning.

UPDATED: Ali next series? Maybe I will be able to watch this again. haha

R. Mack

Shutter Island


R. Mack